Youropean Quest

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Some personal words from Holger & Gesa Heiten, the founders of Youropean Quest

One of the best things that this work has taught us, is that change follows a natural pattern which we cannot do, but learn to deeper understand. Once we understood this pattern, we learned that all we can really do, in order to support our change and personal growth processes, is to release the brakes by exploring our latest but yet denied truth and naming it. We learned to trust that change will follow its own pattern and how to trace its natural arc with our atitude and actions.

When we look back to what really helped us in our own change and transition processes, it hasn´t been the perfect techniques of our mentors but more so their authentic attitude and belief that the best answers are always already contained within us. Our mentors did never allow us to give our power away to them, but used tools that helped the treasures already in us, to emerge. Whatever solution came from such guidance has been sustainable in our life, as we knew it came from our own deepest source. This is the tradition we come from and we would never allow our participants to give their power away. We have learned to trust the process and how to get out of its way.

We would love to guide you through this training in which not only techniques will be taught, but through the strong self experience part and your own supervised processes also this special attitude that makes this approach so successful.